4 June, 2020
Photo credit: AFP TRADE, ECONOMY, AND INVESTMENT THAILAND Thai government to reopen all sectors on 1 July (31 May 2020) The Thai government has announced that there would be a complete reopening
3 June, 2020
Photo Credit: Phoe Khwar Economy, Investment and Trade Myanmar, China reopen trade routes for fruit exports (1 June 2020) The Lweje and Kampaiti borders have been reopened for export, after they were
28 May, 2020
Photo credit: B2B-Cambodia TRADE, ECONOMY, AND INVESTMENT CAMBODIA Cambodian stock market sees first bank listing (25 May 2020) The Cambodia Securities Exchange (CSX), which opened in 2011, saw its first bank listing
27 May, 2020
Photo Credit: Nhan Dan Economy, Investment and Trade Vietnam and China held virtual conference to discuss boosting Vietnamese agro-food exports to China (27 May 2020) Vietnamese and Chinese trade promotion authorities held
21 May, 2020
Photo credit: AFP TRADE, ECONOMY, AND INVESTMENT THAILAND Thai economy shrinks for the first time since 2014 (18 May 2020) Thailand’s economy shrank for the first time in six years due to
20 May, 2020
Photo Credit: Antara Photo Economy, Investment and Trade Indonesia preparing to host US companies relocating from China (16 May 2020) Indonesia is preparing to host US companies relocating from China amidst the
14 May, 2020
Photo credit: vnshop.vn TRADE, ECONOMY, AND INVESTMENT LAOS Lao government has approved around US$37 billion worth of investments between 1989-2019 (14 May 2020) The Lao government has approved some US$37 billion worth
13 May, 2020
Photo Credit: EPA Economy, Investment and Trade Hundreds of tonnes of corn discarded at Myanmar-China border every day (11 May 2020) An estimated 100 tonnes of corn is being thrown daily into
6 May, 2020
Photo Credit: The Myanmar Times Economy, Investment and Trade Myanmar rice traders expect losses despite higher imports allowed from China (3 May 2020) More than 5,000 tonnes of rice, equivalent to around