
Plenary Session 1: Strategies For ASEAN Revisited


The plenary session set the scene for the Forum. Each panelist gave their take on ASEAN integration efforts and the challenges facing businesses. Alexander Rusli urged ASEAN governments to reduce regulatory red tape in order to spur more private sector investment.

Progress has been made, but much remains to be done. In a nutshell, that was the central message gathered from the opening plenary session for this year’s ABC Forum, which featured a panel discussion between ASEAN industry heavyweights Tony Fernandes, Nazir Razak, Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala, Alexander Rusli, Pahala Mansury and was moderated by Patrick Walujo.

Jaime echoed those sentiments by encouraging governments to spend more on infrastructure and pursue public-private partnerships in this area. He said “governments should be more comfortable in allowing private capital”.

Tony stressed that there needs to be less government involvement in business. He added that “government should get out of business and instead facilitate business”. Nazir highlighted the difficulties of getting governments to act due to economic nationalism especially in Indonesia and expressed his concerns that this would hamper the AEC. “ASEAN is nothing without Indonesia and unless the new leadership steps up and tones down on economic nationalism, ASEAN integration efforts could stall”, he said.

Panelists: Dato’ Sri Nazir Razak, Chairman, CIMB Group Jaime Augusto De Ayala, Chairman & CEO, Ayala Corp Dr. Alexander Rusli, President Director & CEO, Indosat Pahala N. Mansury, Director of Finance & Strategy, Bank Mandiri Tan Sri Tony Fernandes, Group CEO, AirAsia Group

Plenary Chair: Patrick Walujo, Managing Partner, Northstar Group

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Plenary Session 2:Creative & Secondary Cities In ASEAN


The plenary session featured a panel discussion between Nelia Navarro, Dwinita Larasati and Martin Venzky and was moderated by Dr.Neil Khor. It describes how partnership and cooperation amongst ASEAN countries takes on a new meaning and dimension when organizations, civil groups, business associations, city administrations, research institutes and local networks at the city level of different countries begin to work together.

The recently established Southeast Asian Creative Cities Network does this, and takes such cooperation into second cities, cities that are not the capital of their countries but important hubs in their local region.

Focusing on the George Town (Malaysia), Chiangmai (Thailand), Bandung (Indonesia) and Cebu (Philippines), the discussion also describes how second cities need to align urban regeneration with community centered development policies to ensure economic resilience.

The session explores the potential benefits of a network of second cities linked on the Creative Economy platform, sharing knowledge and experience to develop joint projects whilst building capacity in anticipation of greater ASEAN integration.

Panelists: Martin Venzky-Stalling, Member & Advisor, Chiang Mai Creative City Dwinita Larasati, Secretariat, Bandung Creative City Forum Nelia Navarro, Department of Trade & Industry Director, Creative Cebu Council

Plenary Chair: Dr. Neil Khor Jin Keong, Senior Fellow, Think City

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Plenary Session 3: Leadership And Transformation In ASEAN


Leadership and transformation in ASEAN session focuses into a stable, prosperous, and highly competitive region with equitable economic development, and reduced poverty and socio-economic disparities.

Transforming ASEAN into a robust economic community requires not only stronger determination and deeper commitment but also a new strategy to make the regional integration process more productive.

This session was moderated by Haslinda Amin and featured Azman Mokhtar, Thura K. Ko, Guillermo Manuel Luz, Dr. James Tjahaja and Rodney Ward as panelists.

Panelists: Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar, Managing Director, Khazanah Nasional Berhad Dr. James T. Riady, CEO, Lippo Group Thura K. Ko, YGA Capital Rodney Ward, Chairman, Global Corporate & Investment Banking, Asia Pacific, Bank of America Merrill Lynch Guillermo Manuel Luz, Chairman, National Competitiveness Council of the Philippines

Plenary Chair: Haslinda Amin, Bloomberg Television


Plenary Session 4: Ministerial Dialogue With Sector Champions

Public-Private-Partnership In ASEAN – Bridging The Gaps For 2015 And Beyond


This session gives ministers opportunity to provide their general views on the Public Private Partnerships (PPP) ahead of AEC 2015. The session was moderated by Dr. Munir Majid and the panelist were H.E Amb Bilahari Kausikan and Dr. Rebecca Sta Maria.

This session emphasized the need for the public and private sectors to narrow the development gap among member countries promote balanced development and improve living conditions in the sub region.

H.E Amb Bilahari emphasized that “AEC is lies within strategic location between China and India. The members must keep integrating because the societies are getting more complex”.

PPP is important for ASEAN as centre of investment. Thus, Dr. Rebecca stressed “competent and policy level must put the framework together and highlight the issue on governance and limited funding. It consists of risk involvement, making rules and regulation and procurement process”.

Panelists: Datuk Dr. Rebecca Sta Maria, Secretary General, Ministry of International Trade & Industry, Malaysia H.E Amb Bilahari Kausikan, Ambassador at Large & Policy Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Singapore

Plenary Chair: Tan Sri Dr. Munir Majid, Chairman, CIMB ASEAN Research Institute


Plenary Session 5- Roundtable Summation 1:

Retail | Financial Services & Capital Markets | Legal & Tax –


This session brings together sector champions with the aim of providing a summary on the roundtable discussions. Moderated by Dr. Munir Majid, this session covers issues on the legal and tax, financial services and capital market and retail sectors as well as outlining a roadmap going forward for each sector.

Retail sector was represented by Dr. James and identified that the development of e-commerce should come with specific recommendations and regulations. Within that recommendation, e-commerce must go with e-payment and there must be open system and must be allowed to thrive and parallel from the separate banking KYC payment oriented regulation. “E-commerce is the real solution for the ASEAN integration” he said.

Nazir Razak and Piyush Gupta gave their views on the financial services and capital market sector “there needs to be somewhere a body to drive capital market and financial services in ASEAN integration, need independent body” said Nazir Razak.

As a matter of fact, Piyush Gupta recognizes “the possibilities of creating cross country infrastructure and credit bureau process. The issue is to get the top common body which can drive the implementation in different countries”.

Hanim Hamzah from the legal sector believes there must be a harmonization of common law and jurisdiction and challenges in information access in certain countries. “ASEAN needs to have standardized documents, have certainty of contracts and governing language. Furthermore, this will ease the foreign investors too” said Hanim.

Adrian Ball added “in area of taxation, there is commonality and looking at the harmonisation of tax and achieve the tax agenda. For tax certainty and to promote investment, there is real positive for ASEAN taxation is the area is enabler and making sure it is not a challenge for ASEAN such as people mobility”.

Panelists: Financial Services & Capital Markets: Dato’s Sri Nazir Razak, Chairman, CIMB Group Financial Services & Capital Markets: Piyush Gupta, CEO, DBS Retail: Dr. James T. Riady, CEO, Lippo Group Retail: Arthur Tan, CEO, Integrated Microeletronics Inc Legal & Tax: Adrian Ball, Managing Partner – Tax, EY Legal & Tax: Hanim Hamzah, Senior Partner, Roosdiono & Partners (a member of ZICOlaw)

Plenary Chair: Tan Sri Dr. Munir Majid, Chairman, CIMB ASEAN Research Institute


Plenary Session 6- Roundtable Summation 2:

Food & Beverage Industry | Automotive & Manufacturing | Minerals, oil & Gas –


This session brings together sector champions with the aim of providing a summary on the roundtable discussions. This session will cover issues on the food and beverages, automotive and manufacturing and mineral, oil and gas sectors as well as outlining a roadmap going forward for each sector.

Food and beverage sector represented by Pushpanathan Sundram highlighted “ASEAN have different levels and we must engage them through political level, policy level and technical level. Within these levels there are big gap and how to tackle this gap. One way is to see how political levels convince the community and how the industry plays their part in this integration”.

Hendro Poedjono brings to light on the achievement in AEC “we can see the hope between the industry and the regulator. But we have the different level of understanding in the regulation”.

Alex Newbigging from Automotive and Manufacturing anticipates “Japanese government remind us that global OEM is looking at the big market such as China and India. In ASEAN, Thailand has open approach for local partnership company and include the local business in the SMEs. We must put harmonization of technical standard and streamlining customs procedures among the ASEAN countries.”

Further, Yeap Swee Chuan views; “on the global OEM, the government has to engage the global OEM and find ways on how the Global OEM can enter the ASEAN market”.

Moreover, Shahril Shamsuddin point up opportunities to gain value from the extraction and development of ecosystem in the oil and gas sector. “There are barriers because they need to protect the country and employment. Taxation regime and royalty scheme must be consistent because investments rely on return at the point being calculated. If there is no consistency of royalty that will make it very difficult and have no viable in the business,” said Shahril.

Panelists: Food & Beverage Industry: Pushpanathan Sundram, Managing Director of EAS & Principal Advisor to AFBA Food & Beverage Industry: Hendro Harijogi Poedjono, Director, Public Affairs and Regulatory Affairs, AMEA, Frieslandcampina Automotive & Manufacturing: Alex Newbigging, Group Managing Director, Jardine Cycle & Carriage Ltd. Automotive & Manufacturing: Yeap Swee Chuan, President & CEO, AAPICO Minerals, Oil & Gas: Tan Sri Shahril Shamsudin, President & Group CEO, SapuraKencana Petroleum

Plenary Chair: Tan Sri Dr. Munir Majid, Chairman, CIMB ASEAN Research Institute















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