Sense and perspective in Asean integration

6 June, 2016
By Tan Sri Dr. Munir Majid

04 June, 2016 As appeared in THESE past couple of weeks or so have been replete with discussion on Asean. The Minister of International Trade and Industry had a frank and open dialogue

AEC: Shining light of the East

23 May, 2016
By Tan Sri Dr. Munir Majid

21 May, 2016 As appeared in THE level of interest in the Asean Economic Community (AEC) among the business community in the world at large has increased tremendously since its pronouncement at the

Don’t miss the Asean bus

9 May, 2016
By Tan Sri Dr. Munir Majid

07 May, 2016 As appeared in BREADTALK, a Singapore bakery, will open its first outlet in Myanmar in early 2017, in a franchise agreement with that country’s real estate giant the Shwe Taung

Brexit – Lies, lies and statistics

25 April, 2016
By Tan Sri Dr. Munir Majid

23 April, 2016 As appeared in THE debate in Britain on whether the country should get out or remain in the European Union (EU) is fascinating on a number of scores. The statistics

Friendship, family and money, but South China Sea?

30 March, 2016
By Tan Sri Dr. Munir Majid

26 March, 2016 As appeared in AT the Mekong-Lancang Cooperation Leaders’ Meeting in Hainan last Wednesday, Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang offered the five Asean countries along the Mekong river that attended it

Going’s good in US-Asean relations… but Trump?

15 March, 2016
By Tan Sri Dr. Munir Majid

12 March, 2016 As appeared in AMONG Asians, President Barack Obama will go down in history as the American President who did the most to have the US re-engage meaningfully with the Asia-Pacific.

Brexit: Reflections on Asean and Malaysia

2 March, 2016
By Tan Sri Dr Munir Majid

27 February, 2016 As appeared in BRITAIN is in the throes of an intense national debate on whether or not to remain in the European Union (EU), the decision on which will be

AEC 2025: Action out of words

15 February, 2016
By Tan Sri Dr. Munir Majid

13 February, 2016 As appeared in I was in Vientiane earlier this month and, among other things, formally handed over the Chair of Asean-BAC to Laos, represented by Oudet Souvannavong. From the various

Time for a hard-wired Malaysia Inc

11 February, 2016
By Tan Sri Dr. Munir Majid

30 January, 2016 As appeared in Given many present challenges and new commitments, it is time to take a relook DURING his time as Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad introduced the Malaysia

Be rational and honest about TPPA

29 January, 2016
By Tan Sri Dr. Munir Majid

16 January, 2016 As appeared in THE Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) is a huge commitment and it is unsurprising it has engaged enormous public interest. The debate over it, however, will only serve