China-ASEAN Monitor


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Economy, Investment and Trade

China to increase training for unions in Cambodia

(29 November 2017) Chinese authorities have promised to increase human resources training for Cambodian unions in order to strengthen cooperation between unions and Chinese factory owners in the kingdom. The Head of Chinese Labour Resource Centre for International Cooperation Mr. Pheng Yong said that, “After discussions, I think that Chinese employers and Cambodian workers should more closely cooperate with each other in order to make their work better”. In order to improve the labour sector in Cambodia, the Chinese government will also invite members of the Cambodian unions for programmes in China.
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Malaysia to boost halal trade via China’s e-commerce platform

(27 November 2017) Malaysian company, YHY Group Sdn Bhd, will work with Zhongrun Huatong Industrial Co Ltd using China’s e-commerce WBL 312 platform to boost bilateral trade in halal products. Established by Zhongrun Huatong and Tencent Holdings Ltd, WBL 312 is the world’s first e-commerce platform with a fully implemented halal traceability system. It is the only officially authorised certification in China’s market circulation based on systems used by China’s Ministry of Commerce and National Code Center.
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Singapore – China cooperation to focus on innovation
(26 November 2017) Singaporean Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat said that innovation is likely to be a major theme not only for Singapore’s economic transformation, but also for the country’s cooperation with China and the broader region. Mr Heng, on his 5 day visit to Suzhou and Beijing, noted that innovation is of paramount importance for the Singapore-China Suzhou Industrial Park to move forward. This is the reason why the research institute at the National University of Singapore has been receiving strong support from China. “It’s a new form of partnership between big corporations and startups, so that they can each use their strength to create a stronger partnership,” he added.
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China wants to play a role in safeguarding stability in Myanmar
(25 November 2017) During a meeting with Commander-in-chief of Myanmar’s Defense Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, President Xi Jinping said that China would like to play a constructive role in Myanmar’s domestic peace progress and safeguard the safety and stability of the border region. “China respects the sovereignty of Myanmar and pays strong attention to Myanmar’s domestic peace process,” he added. President Xi also called for joint efforts with Myanmar to enhance strategic communication between the two nation.
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China opens new consulate in Cambodia
(28 November 2017) According to a senior Cambodian official, China has recently opened a consular office in Siem Reap. This will facilitate China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in the country. Cambodian Senior Minister Mr. Ly Thuch said through closer relations in trade, investment and construction, the project will enhance the economic integration of Asia, Europe and Africa. According to Mr. Thuch, as part of BRI, China has been building a deep-water port and an international airport with plans to invest in the construction of a major airport in Siem Reap, and a major expressway connecting the capital to Sihanoukville, among others.
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China, Brunei enhance prosecution cooperation
(25 November 2017) During a visit by Cao Jianming, Procurator-General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of China to Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, China and Brunei reached consensus on the strengthening of prosecution cooperation. Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah said that Brunei is willing to work with China in various fields to consolidate mutual political trust, broaden exchanges and cooperation to better benefit the two peoples. Brunei will host the 11th China-ASEAN Prosecutors-General Conference in 2018.
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