CARI attended the ASEAN and Malaysia in 2030 Country Consultation Meeting

2 June 2011 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The closed-door meeting was by organised by ASEAN and ADBI and was hosted by ISIS. It was a roundtable format which applied the Chatham House rules – this generated a rich discussion.

The purpose of this meeting was to seeks Malaysia’s perspective as a member of ASEAN on:

  1. Structural changes required to ASEAN countries to reach the status of developed economies by 2030
  2. The long-term role and impact of ASEAN and its major dialogue partners – especially the U.S., Japan, China, and India – as the region moves toward greater economic integration over the next 20 years.

The results from the meeting will feed into ADBI’s report on “ASEAN 2030: Growing Together for Shared Prosperity” which should be published by the end of 2011. This study will consist of 20 background papers featuring country perspectives and thematic issues focused on economic aspects, but also politics, security, and international relations dimensions.