AEC Blueprint 2025 Analysis (Volume 1 Paper 8)
- ASEAN needs to work harder in promoting competition policy and law since the objectives outlined in the AEC Blueprint 2015 were not all achieved. In the following period of 2016-2025, more work needs to be done in promoting fair competition in terms of completion of the unimplemented measures, comprehensive study and analysis of the effectiveness of the current policies, closer collaboration with the more advanced economic regions, and enhanced dialogue with the relevant sectors and stakeholders.
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- Conclusion of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) negotiations with the economic partners is key to improving ASEAN’s position in the global value chains. The AEC Blueprint 2025 has outlined measures to enhance trade facilitation and harmonise with international standards to ensure compliance with the global market. Nonetheless, more specific actions may need to be defined for implementation to guide ASEAN’s effort to increase its participation in the global production chains.
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- The AEC 2025 Blueprint does little to expand on the objectives set forth in the AEC 2015 Blueprint in regards to the movement of skilled labor. Crucial skill gaps around ASEAN which threaten to derail the AEC ambition need to be met with proactive action; action which is lacking significantly in ASEAN’s current ambitions for skilled labor.
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- Liberalisation efforts surrounding the regions banking, insurance, and other financial instrument markets will need to keep up with burgeoning growth in the region; the AEC Blueprint 2025 hopes to continue capitalising upon the success of previous policies.
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- The AEC Blueprint Analysis series is a publication which seeks to provide insight into the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint (AEC) 2025. The publication will seek to do so by adopting a holistic approach to its analysis; creating context by examining past achievements, defining present challenges, and finally, discussing future plans. The series will pay special attention to strategic measures outlined within the AEC’s new blueprint, shining a light into the viability surrounding regional economic integration under the AEC.
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- The AFAS helped to pave the way for commitments towards liberalising the trade in services. However, not all of these commitments have translated to concrete policy change, and with the introduction of ATISA, will the AEC Blueprint 2025 be able to right ASEAN’s path?
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- With the removal of tariff barriers defining a decade of success in liberalising the free flow of goods, the AEC Blueprint 2025 hopes to capitalise on past achievements whilst introducing new initiatives.
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- A brief overview discussing the methodology and potential limitations surrounding the series.
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